Disclosure Management & Intelligence

Incorporating the power of AI to streamline the disclosure management process.

Intelligent software enables firms to centralize and manage disclosures for faster approvals and greater efficiency in the advertising compliance process.
Red Oak Compliance software screenshot


The Disclosure Library allows compliance professionals to effectively build and maintain a single source repository of disclosures, including an audit trail for disclosure updates and changes. This disclosure library allows firms to streamline their advertising review process, increasing accuracy and confidence in disclosure management, while reducing the risk of disclosure errors and omissions.




While the software supports compliance efforts, our Disclosure Manager is also designed to streamline efforts of marketing teams and increase their efficiency in getting materials to market. Knowing which disclosures are needed, then finding the most up to date version in a timely manner can be an ongoing struggle. Our Disclosure Manager and Intelligence reduces the pain points marketers experience during the review process through both its disclosure repository and the implementation of business intelligence rules tand A.I. to flag potential missing, outdated or unneeded disclosures on material.



Disclosure Manager:

Disclosure Manager replaces the manual task of attempting to manage, distribute and version disclosures with spreadsheets. It scans uploaded content for disclosures to identify current or outdated disclosures on the material to reduce time to market and risk to the firm.


Disclosure Intelligence:

Disclosure Intelligence builds on our Disclosure Manager functionality by allowing firms to create deterministic rules for identifying when a disclosure should be included on a piece.


Disclosure API:

Disclosure API gives clients the ability to programmatically access Red Oak’s Smart Review functionality within their favorite content creation tool.

Disclosure Management and Intelligence are an enhancement to Red Oak Compliance’s flagship SaaS advertising compliance review software